Tips & Tricks

How Far Can You Kayak in a Day

How Far Can You Kayak in a Day

Have you ever wondered how far you could paddle your kayak in one day? You could imagine covering long distances and exploring new places. It's frustrating to know if you can paddle a few miles or much more. Factors like your skill level, the type of kayak, and the...

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What is a Skeg on a Kayak

What is a Skeg on a Kayak

Have you ever been out paddling and felt like the wind had it out for you? Choppy water and strong winds can make it hard to keep your kayak going straight, no matter how good your skills are. This is frustrating and tiring! Many kayaks are designed with a specific...

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How to Anchor a Kayak

How to Anchor a Kayak

Have you ever been fishing from your kayak, and the wind keeps pushing your boat away from the perfect spot? Or do you want to take awesome photos without your paddle getting in the way? Anchoring solves this! Picture yourself landing that trophy fish without your...

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How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Kayak

How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Kayak

Have you ever wanted to explore lakes or rivers on your own? Kayaking is a fun adventure, but how much does it cost to rent kayaks? Rental prices can change based on where you go, what kind of kayak you want (single or tandem), and how long you'll be out on the water....

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How to Haul a Kayak

How to Haul a Kayak

You've got the perfect kayak for exploring—now, how do you get it to the water? Kayaks are cool, but they're seriously long and awkward to move around. You don't want to scratch up your car or, worse, see your kayak go flying down the road! Should you use a roof rack,...

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How To Patch a Kayak

How To Patch a Kayak

Have you ever bumped your kayak on a rock and ended up with a hole? It happens to the best of us. Don't panic! Leaks can ruin your day on the water and make your kayak unsafe. Patching a small hole in a plastic kayak is a breeze. With a few tools, such as a heat gun,...

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How to Plan a USA Road Trip with Kayak

How to Plan a USA Road Trip with Kayak

Have you ever dreamed of cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway with the wind in your hair? Road trips are fantastic, but planning them can be a headache! Where do you start? How much will it cost? Where will you stay along the way? That's where Kayak comes in! It's...

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What to Wear When Kayaking

What to Wear When Kayaking

Ever dreamed of gliding across the water on a kayak? It's a fantastic way to explore nature, exercise, and have fun. But before you head out, one key thing to consider is what to wear. You might think dressing for kayaking is simple, but it's more than just throwing...

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How Long Does It Take to Kayak a Mile?

How Long Does It Take to Kayak a Mile?

Ever dreamed of a peaceful kayak trip across a calm lake? But then you wonder, how long will it take to get anywhere? The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to kayak speed. It depends on a surprising number of things, like the type of kayak you're using...

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Kayak Cost: How Much Should You Budget?

Kayak Cost: How Much Should You Budget?

You're ready to explore the water in a kayak. Maybe you want to see hidden coves on a lake or catch some fish. The only problem is that kayaks come with a surprising range of prices—how do you know how much to spend? Choosing the wrong kayak means either overpaying...

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What Size Kayak Do I Need?

What Size Kayak Do I Need?

Ever picked up a kayak paddle and wondered, "Is this kayak the right size for me?" Choosing the wrong size means an uncomfortable, maybe even wobbly ride. Nobody wants to spend their day on the water with cramped legs or sore arms. A bad fit could even ruin your...

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Kayak Roll Made Easy: Step-by-Step Guide

Kayak Roll Made Easy: Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering the kayak roll is a pivotal moment in the journey of every paddler. It's not just about learning to flip your kayak upright without exiting the boat; it's about gaining a deeper understanding of how your body, paddle, and kayak work together to conquer the...

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How to Mount Fish Finder on Kayak

How to Mount Fish Finder on Kayak

Tired of coming back from kayak fishing trips without a catch? You need the underwater intel on where those fish are hiding! Mounting a fish finder on a kayak seems complicated. It's not as simple as installing it on a big boat – you need to be smart about placement....

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How to Kayak Alone and Stay Safe in 2024

How to Kayak Alone and Stay Safe in 2024

The call of the water is undeniable for many of us, especially the allure of kayaking solo. It's not just about the physical journey across the water but also an introspective voyage. However, as serene as kayaking alone may sound, it comes with challenges and...

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